Welcome to the Boys Camp 2015 blog! It was a beautiful day for campers to arrive. Once all of the campers arrived, counselors took their groups on a tour of the camp. Stops included the archery range, the A Field, the ropes course, the composting bathrooms and the dining room. Afterwards, we all gathered in the Council Ring for some welcoming remarks, introductions and expectations. Finally it was time to get in the water! New campers were all classified into their respective swimming levels. Then everyone got in for a general swim.
Dinner tonight was the traditional first meal - hotdogs, tater tots and beans with brownies for dessert. Now, the campers are back at their cabins getting ready for Evening Program. On the first night of camp we always play Medical War (a dodgeball game). Afterwards, we will hopefully have time for a "quick dip" before bed. Once everyone is ready for bed, counselors will choose a book to read to their cabins.
Everyone is looking forward to the first full day of classes tomorrow!
Maddy and Colleen, The Huts