May Update

Dear Fans of Asto Wamah, At long last, it’s now clear that spring is here. That means that summer cannot be far off. The days left until the start of the 106th season at Asto Wamah are flying by and we will soon be enjoying fun and adventure at Columbia Lake. All this is good news! To prove that spring has arrived, I have included some pictures taken on 4/30. (Keep in mind on 4/1 the A-Field was still 100% covered with snow.) Can you see the violets that are growing along a path, the marsh-marigolds and skunk cabbage at the Icky Water Bridge, the trillium (a maroon and green flower with 3 leaves and 3 petals) near Cabin 7 and the ferns just poking up out of the leaves? Each is a welcomed sign of spring!

FernTrilliumMarshmarigoldsViolets This wonderful weather has brought a flurry of activity to CAW. Last Saturday, thirty men, women and children raked mountains of leaves and cleaned every cabin and building. Camp looks awesome! We are ready for a new season with enthusiastic campers and a devoted staff. Hope a session at Asto Wamah is on your schedule this summer. There are openings in every session (not many in the all-boy 2-weeks) so there is still time to register. Tell a friend!

The month of May will be busy at camp. There will be 2 Saturday trainings for the new group of 15-year olds in our Leadership Training program. Additionally, Open Camp Day will be held on May 23rd from 3pm to 5 pm. This is a terrific opportunity for those new to Asto Wamah to tour the grounds and see bunkhouses, the Lodge, the waterfront, bathrooms, and the A-Field, Some of 2015’s staff will help with the tours and answer questions. I look forward to meeting new families and our first year campers. If you live nearby and would like to help by being a guide, please know that you are most welcome. There will be cookies and lemonade for all.

The end of your school year is right around the corner and I hope you are completing another milestone with success. Soon it will be time for swimming, boating, games on the field, arts and crafts, sailing and all the fun and friendships that are Asto Wamah. We look forward to your time at camp and the experiences we will share together. Stay well!

